Frequently asked questions about feast


Does Fasting Fuel have any calories?

No. We use premium quality extracts of our ingredients like ginger root, turmeric root, black peppercorn, etc. These extracts are 10x more powerful than the raw or powder form of the ingredients AND they contain zero calories.

The extraction process from plants and herbs isolates bioactive compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenes that provide health benefits, but these compounds are not sources of energy (calories). Calories come from macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Plant and herbal extracts do not contain significant amounts of these macronutrients

We also add a tiny amount of powdered ginger, garlic, and turmeric as well to enhance the flavor, but the calories from these powdered ingredients are less than 1 and WILL NOT break your fast.

How is it possible that Fasting Fuel does not have any calories?

We use premium quality extracts of our ingredients like ginger root, tumeric root, black peppercorn, etc. These extracts are 10x more powerful than the raw or powder form of the ingredients AND they contain zero calories.

The extraction process from plants and herbs isolates bioactive compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenes that provide health benefits, but these compounds are not sources of energy (calories). Calories come from macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Plant and herbal extracts do not contain significant amounts of these macronutrients

Will Fasting Fuel disrupt my fast or break my fast?

No. Fasting Fuel is like fasting jet fuel - it is designed to optimize and accelerate your fast. It will not disrupt or break your fast.

Fasting Fuel is not a significant source of calories. It includes premium quality extracts of ingredients like ginger root, tumeric root, black peppercorn, etc. These extracts are 10x more powerful than the raw or powder form of the ingredients AND they contain zero calories. Many of the ingredients actively work to keep blood glucose from rising as well.

Fasting Fuel will not increase your blood glucose in a fasted state, and will not disrupt or break your fast.


More context Below:

Dr. Andrew Huberman on what breaks a fast:

1 single peanut has 11 calories with 1g of fat, 0.25g carbs, 0.5g protein.

1 serving of Feast Fasting Fuel has less than 1 calorie. It also includes ingredients like ginger, turmeric, and black pepper, which work to keep blood glucose from rising. Fasting Fuel will not effect your blood glucose in a fasted state, and will not disrupt or break your fast.

Dr. Mindy Pelz - blood sugar is all that matters for what breaks your fast.

  • If blood sugar goes up more than a few points, your fast has broken
  • Most doctors say 10 points increase in blood sugar is the cutoff for breaking a fast. Less than 10 points increase means you are still in a fasted state.

Basically, anything that raises your blood glucose by more than a few points is considered breaking your fast. If you are in a strictly fasted state for 5 hours or more, your blood glucose is less likely to increase when ingesting tiny amounts of calories. Less than 10 calories per hour, with little to no sugar, should not alter your blood glucose and therefore should not break your fast. 

Feast Fasting Fuel will not increase your blood glucose in a fasted state, and will not disrupt or break your fast.

Are there any sugars in Fasting Fuel?

No. There are zero sugars in Fasting Fuel. Our products will not increase your blood glucose levels and will not disrupt your fasted state.

How did you decide which ingredients to use?

We worked with medical doctors and nutritionists to formulate the most potent combination of all-natural ingredients designed to turbo charge your fast.

Our team has reviewed hundreds of clinical research studies to ensure the efficacy and potency of our ingredients and our formulation. Our claims will always be backed by trustworthy scientific research studies.

How many servings can I have per day?

We suggest to limit your usage to 1 serving per hour and see how you feel. We suggest you not exceed 5 servings per day. As with any supplements, always consult your doctor with specific questions.

Do I drink it hot or cold?

We developed Fasting Fuel it to be consumed hot. It is like a comforting soup or broth and we think it is best enjoyed hot. But you can try drinking it cold if you like! Whatever works best for you!

How much water should I use?

We suggest you use 8-12 oz of hot water to mix your Fasting Fuel broth. But it is up to you! If you like a stronger flavor, you can use less water. If you want to dilute the flavor a little, you can use more! Feel free to experiment and figure out your favorite balance.

What is your refund policy?

If you are unhappy with the product for any reason within 30 days you can return it for a refund. Please email us at to initiate any return inquiries.