A selection of clinical research studies supporting our ingredients.

Clinical Research

Fasting and Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Scroll down to find many different sections in bold containing supporting clinical research studies within each category.

Aids weight loss, improves metabolism, shows greater reductions in body fat and belly fat compared to continuous calorie restriction, increases body’s ability to metabolize body fat, and improves both cardiovascular and metabolic health markers.

Boosts brain function and prevents neurodegenerative disorders

Increases growth hormone secretion (supports growth, metabolism, weight loss, muscle strength, and immune system)

Increases autophagy and cellular repair processes

Blood sugar control, increased insulin sensitivity, improved metabolic health, decreased risk of diabetes and other metabolic disorders

Reduces inflammation throughout the body

Improved heart health, blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels

Improves gut health and gut microbiome

Longevity and increased lifespan

May aid in cancer prevention and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy

May help regulate circadian rhythm and improve sleep

May reduce anxiety and depression

Ginger Root - Gingerols

Scroll down to find many different sections in bold containing supporting clinical research studies within each category.

Weight loss, increased metabolism, and improved metabolic function

Increases testosterone in males

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Stomach calming and anti-nausea

Improves digestive function and gut health

Boosts immune function

Lowers blood sugar

Increases autophagy

Improves heart disease risk factors

Gastrointestinal cancer prevention

Improves brain function, neuroprotective, anti-Alzheimers

Turmeric Root - Curcumin

Scroll down to find many different sections in bold containing supporting clinical research studies within each category.

Reduces inflammation throughout the body

Increases autophagy


Improves brain function, attention, and memory

Improves mood, anti-depressive, increases serotonin and dopamine

Anti-aging, improved longevity

Reduces joint pain and arthritis

Neuroprotective, anti-Alzheimers

Improves heart health

Cancer prevention

Black Peppercorn - Piperine

Scroll down to find many different sections in bold containing supporting clinical research studies within each category.

Increases nutrient absorption by 2,000%

Increases autophagy

Antioxidants and reduced oxidative stress

Anti Inflammatory 

Improved respiratory function

Boosts brain function and neuroprotective

Improved insulin sensitivity, as well as blood sugar regulation and metabolism

Lowers cholesterol

Cancer Prevention

Promotes gut health

Pain and discomfort relieve 

Appetite suppressant 

Chili Pepper - Capsaicin

Aids digestion, increases digestive enzymes, improves gut health

Aids in weight loss and increases metabolism

Relieves pain and discomfort, reduces hunger, increases satiety, satisfaction, and dopamine

Lowers blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity

Improves immunity, helps fight infection, cold, and flu, and promotes red blood cell growth

Antioxidant, antiinflammatory, neuroprotective, and may improve longevity

Rosemary Leaf

Enhanced cognitive function, improved memory, neuroprotective, and improved sleep

Pain reduction, improved mood, and reduced stress

Increased fat burning, increased metabolism, improved digestive health

Thyme Leaf

Antibacterial, helps fight infections

Mucus clearance and respiratory health

Fat burning, weight loss, metabolic health, and increased endurance

Antioxidant effects


Increased oxygen capacity and improved athletic performance

Immune boosting and antiviral properties

Lowers blood pressure, improved cholesterol, reduced risk of heart disease

Antioxidant, neuroprotective, and may improve longevity

Vitamin C

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